Survey Reveals Neck Pain is the Key Indicator to Migraine Headache Relief

NUCCA Migraine headacheFor many migraine sufferers, neck pain is not a symptom they associate as being related to their migraines at all.  Most migraine sufferers are occupied with the other, more neurological symptoms including severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, light and sound sensitivity, and more.  Often neck pain is written off as just an unrelated problem.  But what if neck pain was not only related, but a major clue, leading you to the right kind of migraine headache treatment?

Survey Shows Migraine – Neck Pain Link

A recent survey revealed 75% of migraine patients experienced neck pain as a migraine symptom.  This survey further showed that 3 in every 5 migraine sufferers experience neck pain prior to the onset of their migraine headaches.

So what is the connection between neck pain and migraines?  Most migraine sufferers have been told that migraines are strictly a neurological problem.  This is true in many ways, but it misses a few key components.

Studies Reveal 3 Common Causes of Migraines

  1. Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Flow: Researchers have used MRI imaging to study CSF flow to and from the head.  What they found were those who suffered an injury to their upper neck had a twist or shift of their top neck vertebra, which led to a buildup of CSF in the head.  This blockage led to increased pressure and migraine headaches
  2. Brainstem Interference:  This vital nerve center beginning at the top of the neck may function improperly if the top neck vertebrae are misaligned.  This bundle of nerve activity is responsible for many necessary life functions.  Interference here may lead to pain and other symptoms.
  3. Restriction of Blood Flow: Multiple studies have viewed the cranial blood flow changes that take place following a head or neck injury.  This blockage of blood flow may lead to a lack of oxygen to the brain, but may also cause pressure build-up in other brain centers.  This is thought to be a leading cause of migraine headaches.

Key Signs Your Migraine Symptoms Are Stemming From an Upper Neck Problem

Migraine sufferers are well aware of the unpleasant symptoms that accompany their migraines.  However, few realize how many of them are related to the neck.  Here is a list of symptoms that indicate your migraine headaches are likely stemming from a correctable, upper neck problem.

  • Pain localized to the neck and occipital regions that project to the forehead, eyes, temples, or behind the ears.
  • Migraine pain that is precipitated or aggravated by specific neck movements or sustained head position.
  • One or more of the following
    • Loss of neck mobility
    • Uneven neck muscle tone
    • Tenderness of neck muscles
    • Tilting of the head or neck
    • Forward leaning head position
  • X-ray or MRI revealing
    • Loss or reversal of neck curvature
    • “No pathology” (X-ray and MRI images are primarily taken to rule out fractures, lesions, and disc herniation.  In many cases, when an X-ray or MRI report reveal “no findings”, it means there is an upper neck misalignment responsible for the symptoms.)

How Does an Upper Neck Misalignment Occur?

A study in Norway revealed that 82% of men and 70% of women experienced an injury to the head or neck prior to their first migraine headache.  Doctors have found that injury or trauma to this area can misalign the top two bones of the spine, affecting vital upper neck nerves.  These injuries can include:

  • Car accidents
  • Whiplash
  • Sports injuries
  • Concussions
  • Difficult birth (C-section, forceps, vacuum, induction)
  • Other head or neck injury

However, many migraine sufferers do not recall neck injuries.  This type of injury can easily be forgotten or not noticed, as upper neck injuries have been shown to take 15 years or more to develop into symptoms.

Hope for Migraine Headaches Sufferers

The NUCCA organization has specially trained doctors to correct the misalignment of the upper cervical spine, including those that cause migraine headaches.  If you haven’t heard of NUCCA Upper Cervical Care, that is because there are only 250 trained NUCCA doctors in the entire United States.  So what makes this care different from general chiropractic?

  • Extremely gentle corrections.  When a NUCCA doctors makes a correction to the spine, a light and controlled pressure is focused on the upper spine, in just the right direction and depth.  It is completely painless.
  • NUCCA is highly precise.  NUCCA utilizes mathematics and biomechanics to accommodate each patients “SPECIFIC” needs.  Exact measurements are taken to tailor the correction to each patient.
  • Long-Lasting Results.  Upper cervical care is designed around healing and recovery.  As problem or damaged areas begin to heal and recover, corrections and relief last longer as well.  This means far less frequent health visits.

To find a NUCCA doctor near you, visit  Or to speak with one of our NUCCA Chiropractors in Eatontown, New Jersey, click the button below to schedule your complimentary migraine consultation.  While scheduling your consultation, you will have the opportunity to speak with one of our doctors about your particular symptoms.


Doctor’s now offering complimentary Virtual and In Person consultations.

Molland Spinal Care doctors are Eatontown Upper Cervical Chiropractors trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA).  Our NUCCA Clinic has helped many people find natural relief from migraine headaches in Eatontown, New Jersey.  As NUCCA Chiropractors we are uniquely trained to correct problems in the Upper Cervical Spine (upper neck).  This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different problems.  More information can be found on our website at

Resources and Useful Links

  • NUCCA Research on Migraine Headaches
    • H. Charles Woodfield III, D. Gordon Hasick, Werner J. Becker, Marianne S. Rose, and James N. Scott . Effect of Atlas Vertebrae Realignment in Subjects with Migraine: An Observational Pilot Study. BioMed Research International
Volume 2015, Article ID 630472, 18 pages
  • NUCCA Chiropractor Dr. Marshall Dickholtz Research on Migraine Headaches
    • Dickholtz, M. Summary of Headache Research Study. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research.
  • NUCCA Association
  • Journal of Migraines Headaches
    • Improved Quality of Life for Migraine Sufferers.