
Scoliosis and NUCCA

Everyone who is told they have scoliosis asks the same question: “What causes scoliosis?  Researchers have found in more than 80 percent of scoliosis cases, a specific cause is not found and such cases are termed ‘idiopathic’”, meaning they don’t know the cause.

When a cause cannot be found, the number one treatment option for scoliosis is a “watch and wait” approach where you are monitored, typically with X-Rays, to see how fast the scoliosis is progressing. When the scoliosis worsens, a brace or some at-home exercises are usually recommended. In cases where the scoliosis curve continues to grow more pronounced, the recommendation is eventually spinal surgery.

What Causes Scoliosis

There are two types of scoliosis.  The first and far less common is a structural scoliosis.  This means a segment of the spine developed abnormally through childhood, causing the spine to bend around it.  The second and far more common type of scoliosis is physiological scoliosis.  This type of scoliosis  means that the body is adapting to a specific stress that forces the body to grow in a crooked pattern. Not only are the segments of the spine crooked, but the entire body is typically crooked as well. This is called postural distortion. Examples of postural distortion include:

• Leg length inequality
• Pelvic un-leveling
• Uneven shoulders
• Upper body lean
• Neck deviation
• Head tilt
• Muscular imbalances
• Scapular protrusion

All of these changes are typically identified by the patient’s medical doctor or chiropractor.

How can an Upper Cervical Chiropractor – NUCCA Chiropractor Help Scoliosis?

Your Upper Cervical Chiropractor or NUCCA Chiropractor starts by performing a detailed spinal analysis and postural assessment to identify the cause of the scoliosisResearchers suggest that spinal misalignment in the Upper Cervical Spine is a common cause for adolescent scoliosis.  Thus if the evaluation shows evidence of an upper spinal misalignment, your NUCCA Chiropractor will take specific X-rays of the spine in order to identify the type and severity of the misalignment and exactly how it needs to be corrected.

Upper Cervical Chiropractors use the detailed X-ray information to perform a gentle and precise correction to the Upper Cervical Spine. The NUCCA adjustment is designed to restore spinal alignment and body balance, removing stress and compression of the spine and spinal nerves.  Healing depends on how long the spinal injury and misalignment has been present, however many people feel immediate improvement in spinal pressure and posture.

Even more Scoliosis information!

Click this link to read our detailed blog on Scoliosis!

Click this link to read the blog on Scoliosis!

Molland Spinal Care doctors are Eatontown Upper Cervical Chiropractors trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA).  Our NUCCA Clinic has helped many people find natural relief from post-concussion syndrome in Eatontown, New Jersey.  As NUCCA Chiropractors we are uniquely trained to correct problems in the Upper Cervical Spine (upper neck).  This vital area is intimately connected to the central nervous system and problems in this area have been shown to be an underlying cause of a variety of different problems.  More information can be found on our website at